Category: Tax

Helpful Tips for Completing Your SafeSend Tax Organizer

Tax organizers help you collect all the information we need to prepare your individual tax returns. Organizing your information in clear and complete ways helps us prepare…

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Considerations for Form 1095-C

Applicable large employers (ALEs) are required to file Form 1095-C annually on February 28th (on paper) or March 31st (electronically). Form 1095-C reports Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer…

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Washington State Long-Term Capital Gains Tax

History Washington State has enacted a 7% excise tax on long-term capital gains over $250,000 (adjusted annually for inflation) from sales of stocks, bonds and certain other…

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Avoiding Penalties – Special 401(k) Early Distribution Provision

We’ve all thought about what our retirement will look like, and, maybe how exactly we can retire earlier than expected to experience more of what life has…

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Thinking of Buying an Electric Vehicle in 2023?

The Inflation Reduction Act brought some significant changes to the rules for the electric vehicles (EV) tax credit. The federal electric car tax credit is an incentive…

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