
Is your business as profitable as it could be? Are there hidden weaknesses in your financial strategy? It’s not always easy to see, no matter how well you know your business or how strong your rate of growth. By implementing practical solutions in key areas, your Falco Sult team can help you improve efficiency and boost profitability so you can do what you do best — run your business.

Strategic Business Planning + Consulting

How We Can Help

With your long-term success in mind, we assess your entire financial picture from an holistic perspective and work closely with you to clearly outline your goals and objectives. From mapping out the future of your company to facilitating a smooth transition, we have the right tools, technology and expertise to minimize stress and maximize profit.


Business Succession Planning

Ready to hand over the reins? Whether you want to switch horses mid-race or ride off into the sunset alone, effective transition coordination is critical to the continued success of your company and your future. We are fully qualified to address the complex issues of business continuation and assist you in developing a sure-footed, strategically stable plan.

Computer Consulting and Technology Services

Your IT system is the backbone of your business, and its speed and dependability are crucial to your success. Whether it’s upgrading software, hardware or completely overhauling your network, you need an experienced team to make sure every aspect is fast and functional. Our technology professionals can assess and address your specific needs by implementing the ideal system to maximize your efficiency, profitability and security. We’ll get you up and running as quickly as possible, making sure you and your staff are experts as well.

Falco Sult has numerous Certified QuickBooks Advisors on staff to assist you with the complete implementation of a standalone, online or Enterprise version. Not only can we assess which program fits your needs, we can install, train and implement a complete set of books designed specifically for you. Your system will provide the critical information you need to make the informed decisions necessary for the continued growth and success in your business.

Management Advisory Services

Does Superman have a personal trainer? All successful people have one thing in common: they understand their own limitations. At Falco Sult, we admire and respect the skills our clients bring to their business enterprises. We also stand ready to help them maximize profitability by offering expertise in the areas of business management with which they may be unfamiliar. You provide the superpowers; we’ll help you use them wisely.

With a wide range of business experience behind us, we can help you with:

  • Banking Relationship Development
  • Cash Flow and Budget Analysis
  • Capital Acquisition Planning
  • Internal Controls Analysis and Development
  • Job and Process Costing
  • Accounting Personnel Recruitment
  • Part-time CFO Services
  • Management Team and Employee Development
  • Family Business Planning

Business Succession: Ownership Lite Could Help with Succession Planning

How creative compensation solutions can benefit businesses and their employees.

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News & Insights

News and insights

FinCEN Form 114 (FBAR) Overview

FinCEN Form 114, also known as the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), has been used to combat tax evasion and money laundering since 1970.…

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Expiring Provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), enacted in December 2017, provided tax changes that offered relief for businesses and high-income individuals. One of the main goals…

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Upcoming Deadlines

Upcoming deadlines

Friday, March 15, 2024 – Original deadline for partnerships (Form 1065) and S Corporations (Form 1120S)

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Monday, April 15, 2024 – Original deadline for calendar year-end C Corporations (Form 1120), Trusts (Form 1041), and individuals (Form 1040).

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More Deadlines

Reach out to us, we’ll take care of the rest