Author: admin_falco

Deal Closed! Multi-disciplinary Graphic Arts Firm Transition Succeeds

On behalf of our client, Falco Sult is pleased to announce the acquisition of NCLA, Inc., a multi-disciplinary Graphic Arts firm whose business model places them squarely…

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Thieves Use W-2 Scam to get Employee Data

The IRS warns the nation’s business, payroll and human resource communities about a growing W-2 email scam. Criminals use this scheme to gain access to W-2 and…

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Planning for Tax Reform

By Megan Moes, CPA, Falco Sult Supervisor It isn’t too late to save on taxes for 2017. However, year-end planning for this year presents a unique set…

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Chris Falco Educates Business Owners on Successfully Passing the Reins to Successors

Family business succession can be the most difficult way to transition one’s business if they have not prepared the successors early on. Furthermore, the emotional ties between…

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Chris Falco with Falco Sult

CPA Chris Falco Shares the Most Important Number for Business Owners

Many Business owners think that when they sell their business, the monies they receive will be enough for them to retire. This assumption is a fallacy for…

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